About Me

Hi! My name's Connor Reakes and I'm a Fifth Year Architecture student at the University of Idaho. This year I will serve as the AIAS Chapter President, and the Executive Board and I are incredibly excited for the events that we've been planning this summer. We will also be hosting the West Quad Conference in Moscow, ID on April 3rd through the 6th. I have previously served as the Chapter's Vice President during the 2023-2024 Academic year.  

I graduated this past Spring with my Bachelor's of Science in Architecture and I'm currently pursuing a master's in architecture. I began my master's degree in Southeast Asia during the Summer 2024 session. I conducted extensive research on Transport Oriented Design in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, and Washington D.C. I plan on furthering this research in my thesis during the 2025-2026 Academic year. If you would like to check out my work, please click on the Portfolio button where you'll be greeted by four different years of my select works.

Some other things outside of architecture that I enjoy doing are spending quality time with friends and family, photography, golf, and writing! Throughout the website are some of my photos as well as written works.

“Live in joy. In love, even among those who hate."

the Dhammapada