Constructing Tomorrow

Placed Top 15 for the University of Idaho at the 2024 Spokane Student Design Awards

Spokane’s East Central district used to be the center for diverse culture and beautiful landscapes and homes. Today’s East Central district is in a sad state with historic residences falling apart and crime running rampant. We are looking at returning East Central to its former glory as a new center of art and culture with the introduction of two new nodes of activity. With one to the west of the highway and one to the east in the existing residential zone. With the introduction of these nodes, we are introducing our 35-year plan for re-development.


Collective fosters a sense of community, food equality, and sustainability. Its design draws inspiration from a few corners of Русский life with the principles of communal ownership, conscious consumerism, and equality among all people.

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop


Rhino - Illustrator

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Sections and Elevations

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop


Rhino - Photoshop

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Rhino - Excel - Photoshop

Rhino - Excel - Photoshop


Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

the People

Rhino - Twinmotion - Photoshop

Progress Posters

Illustrator - Photoshop